7 December 2016

9 tips to keep your procurement career on track

Many people think about their career goals only when they start looking for a new job, or at their annual appraisal, but ongoing career planning and management is vital for any procurement professional. Nicky Taberner, Director at Hays Procurement & Supply Chain, gives her top tips for keeping your procurement career on track.

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8 ways procurement can radically reduce costs

  Procurement-managed expenditure accounts for an average of 65-75% of many organisations’ outflows. Tough economic situations, therefore, require procurement professionals to continually implement and manage cost reduction programmes. As many organisations continue to search for ways to reduce costs, there should be an agreed and well-defined programme for and by supply chain professionals to cut

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Buyers must know what is made locally before they can consciously ‘buy local’

  “Buyers need to understand the importance of ‘buying locally’ and have the ability to identify locally manufactured products. By doing so they actually buy back jobs,” said Philippa Rodseth, Executive Director of the Manufacturing Circle. Speaking at an Economic Policy Dialogue hosted by the Department of Trade and Industry (dti), Rodseth said that there

Buyers must know what is made locally before they can consciously ‘buy local’ Read More »

Do current ESD practices work?

The Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) element of the revised BBBEE Codes has made it clear that providing only financial and non-financial support to small suppliers and SMMEs is no longer sufficient. Considering the imperative that the ESD element places on strategically engaging with suppliers, Christa Bonnet, founding member and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of

Do current ESD practices work? Read More »

P-Cards’ detailed transaction information unmatched by corporate cards

If you think a P-Card gets its name from the material with which it’s made, think again… A P-Card or purchasing card is a charge card that allows the cardholder to purchase high-volume, low-value purchases without going through the hassle, and incurring the exorbitant costs, of generating a purchase order. With an ordinary CorporateCard, the

P-Cards’ detailed transaction information unmatched by corporate cards Read More »

To transform procurement, stop thinking about procurement

  Making a significant impact on an organisation and its key stakeholders is statistically likely to end in failure: it is a pattern that has been repeated for decades and the reasons are many and complex. However, by applying some key strategies, the potential for success can be improved significantly, writes Ian George, from the

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10 things to consider when selling performance improvements to government

  It is important to understand the process procurement managers go through before they will take the risk to adopt a new product for use in a municipal setting. Not only is it the many rules, regulations, bylaws and municipal documents, it is also how government procurement personnel react to new ideas related to goods

10 things to consider when selling performance improvements to government Read More »

Failing to identify supply chain risk is a business risk in itself

  A procurement and supply function that does not have a good understanding of how to identify, mitigate and avoid supply chain risk is itself a significant risk for an organisation. This is just one of six internal risk influencers highlighted in a CIPS good practice guide for developing end-to-end supply chain resilience in organisations.

Failing to identify supply chain risk is a business risk in itself Read More »

SA logistics “over performs”, says global survey

  South Africa ranked 20th out of 160 countries in the LogisticsBarometer2016 and is classified as a logistics over-performer when compared with its peers on the logistics performance index (LPI), which provides a comprehensive measure of the efficiency of international supply chains. Unlike other countries on the African continent, South Africa’s logistics industry has the advantage

SA logistics “over performs”, says global survey Read More »

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