cost reduction

Public procurement

Public sector ambitions vs sustainable procurement

Public procurement is promoted as “potentially one of the most important areas for environmental improvement,” a key point in SmartProcurementWorld’s Sustainability Africa 2021 Summit Report, and a sentiment supported by the International Institute for Sustainable Development The Institute believes that “Public procurement is a powerful tool for driving markets towards more sustainable production patterns, and […]

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SAP functionality can relieve the pinch of your procurement group’s rationalisation

  Reducing costs is a common survival strategy for organisations to employ. But, as the economic situation deteriorates, what started as a doing away with coffee, printing paper or non-essential spares becomes organisational restructuring, which may translate into job cuts. Purchasing departments have not been spared the distress of this kind of cost management, yet

SAP functionality can relieve the pinch of your procurement group’s rationalisation Read More »

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