supply chain resilience

Knowing about sustainability

Key to success is knowing about supplier sustainability

Carsten Primdal from Sydney is, amongst other things, an expert on sustainability programme management. He ardently believes that procurement specialists can make all the difference to both businesses and society at large if they equip themselves with knowledge of sustainable procurement and supply chain. There is mounting pressure for companies to ramp up their sustainability […]

Key to success is knowing about supplier sustainability Read More »

Failing to identify supply chain risk is a business risk in itself

  A procurement and supply function that does not have a good understanding of how to identify, mitigate and avoid supply chain risk is itself a significant risk for an organisation. This is just one of six internal risk influencers highlighted in a CIPS good practice guide for developing end-to-end supply chain resilience in organisations.

Failing to identify supply chain risk is a business risk in itself Read More »

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