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Inefficient procurement cost Africa $31.5-billion – KPMG survey

  Ineffective procurement, expressed as value leakage, is estimated to have cost the African continent $31.5-billion, revealed KPMG in a recent report. Sub-Saharan Africa contributed $24.9-billion to that amount. While the report noted that the role of procurement in organisations was becoming increasingly strategic, 73% of C-level executives polled during KPMG’s Power of Procurement 2.0 […]

Inefficient procurement cost Africa $31.5-billion – KPMG survey Read More »

Reducing supply chain costs through the circular economy

  Today, the linear ‘take, make, dispose’ economy that relies heavily on cheap resources for growth, is under threat from increasing commodity prices and growing consumer demand. The ‘circular economy’ offers a viable alternative, with cost savings estimated at over $1-trillion per annum by 2025. The supply chain has a key role to play in

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The Kraljic Model can identify expenditure fit for P-cards

  Ad hoc expenditure is a big headache for any organisation and procurement division: these low-value, high-volume purchases can erode budgets if processed through traditional P2P. While the solution is to introduce a purchasing card (P-card) programme, how does one determine which expenditure to put on a P-card? A simple and effective way of segmenting

The Kraljic Model can identify expenditure fit for P-cards Read More »

BEE prepared and it will benefit all

  It is not about the numbers. For many South African companies, Broad-Based Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) up until now may have been about tallying numbers on a scorecard to achieve compliance. However this will no longer be enough, and amendments to the B-BBEE measurement codes published on 11 October 2013 by the Department of Trade

BEE prepared and it will benefit all Read More »

Declining SMME index indicates narrowing entrepreneurial supply base

  The Absa SMME index declined during Q1 2014, with a total quarterly decrease of 2.2% and a yearly decrease of 3.8%. The index declined to a two-year low in Q4 2013 (from 95.6 to 93.4). Although South Africa has not yet entered a recession, the overall index clearly reflects slower growth over the last

Declining SMME index indicates narrowing entrepreneurial supply base Read More »

People fail, not suppliers…

  Being an entrepreneurial supplier is exhilarating, but at times challenging. In fact, supply relationship managers involved in enterprise development may have sleepless nights wondering if their small or self-employed suppliers may be considering throwing in the towel because their businesses are not working. Don Pitsoe, Business Mentor at The Hope Factory offers 10 words

People fail, not suppliers… Read More »

Procurement SA + Ed incubators = entrepreneurs accessing industry

  Outside of their own organisations’ enterprise development initiatives, procurement departments across SA can offer numerous avenues for incubated entrepreneurs to access the country’s industry through agreements with various incubators. An incubation model cannot stop once an entrepreneur’s skills gaps have been ‘treated’ – the model must give entrepreneurs a means of accessing industry at

Procurement SA + Ed incubators = entrepreneurs accessing industry Read More »

Latest Research: Where does SA procurement face it biggest challenges?

  BEE procurement, specifically implementing the New Codes, is considered the biggest challenge that South African procurement professionals currently face, said 481 respondents to a SmartProcurement survey. The concern around The Codes is unsurprising, considering many organisations believe they stand to lose a BEE level or two. Concerns around the BEE Codes will be extensively

Latest Research: Where does SA procurement face it biggest challenges? Read More »

Creating a culture of spend optimisation

  Spend management evolved from a technology perspective when it was realised that organisation-level purchasing required a separate and unique set of tools that could set it apart for improving efficiency and gaining deeper insight into spend. While spend management has expanded into other areas of the supply chain, it is still focused on controlling

Creating a culture of spend optimisation Read More »

Managing supply risk – asking suppliers to share your supply risk

  Every business faces risks – the probability of events occurring – that can or will present challenges to their operations. Risk management is the practice of using processes, methods and tools to identify the level of probability, and then manage the ensuing risks. In practice, this means identifying in advance what can go wrong

Managing supply risk – asking suppliers to share your supply risk Read More »

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